Triumph “Chubby” Cub
If you love Cubs and know what the little 16″ wheeled “Chubby Cub” is then you’ll love it. Nothing I can say will put you off, and that’s fine, get in the queue for a rare matching numbers 1956 plunger-framed Tiger Cub and I hope you’ll be very happy together. It is a bit horrible though. Rattle-can paintwork, rims and spokes all powder-coated over the rust, engine wouldn’t pull the skin off a rice pudding (well that’s a feature actually) and generally all the hallmarks of a machine maintained with high regard to cost. On the plus side it runs and it’s all there including some rare original parts, nice original registration (non-transferrable) so I guess we could call it a ride or restore Cub. Could do a lot worse for the money believe it or not!